It was stated by the Chairman of the National Council of the DPR Andrey Purgin, speaking on August 18, in the “Russian center” at the presentation of the collective monograph “Ideology: search and discovery”.
“Our task is also locally to remove the influence of the financial elite in politics, the political class and practical process. We can deal with the fact that a beautiful ideology will be a cover for the financial elite, which will still be managed. The example is socialist France where every policy sold financial elite. This influence is pernicious because of the financial and economic elite can’t build something human. You need to have a direct impact on Executive power, considering what the people want, so, well established national idea,” — said Purgin.
According to A. Purgin, it is necessary to carry out the referendum so many issues were resolved at the local level, and officials have received direct instructions, performing the direct will of the people. And despite the fact that this scheme is not tested, today’s our situation is on the edge of the Russian world which gives us the opportunity to develop our own methods. As it is explained by Burgin for today Russia has not decided the Empire or whether it will be just another state. We will provide on this influence according to Purgin.
“Our events are going on a year for five, but because any experimentation in compressed time conditions actually very quickly give the result”.
Speaking about ideology as about the phenomenon, the Chairman of the people’s Council the DPR said the following:
“Ideology among other things it’s what is inside a person. Inside the person it comes from childhood and gradually deposited; this is a job for generations. Our situation is unique in that we are able to invest it very quickly given the adrenaline-compacted conditions in which we find ourselves. It is much easier to find ways out of the crisis, which then will become the recipe for the Russian Federation, including it too. All human civilization is confused and stalled that is why we have all witnessed the ideological crisis. The world brought to a standstill itself giving the power to the financial elite”.
Natalia Chaiko