Recently straight line of the Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko with the residents of Kharkov, which will be held April 20, was announced. This broadcast is so scared the Kiev junta that even they created a clone site, to which people could send their questions to the Head of the DPR. The real name of the site is and the Ukrainian “people of conscience” have removed the first letter in the clone, i.e., A clone website is created not so to disrupt the straight line, as to identify partisans in the occupied territories, as well as just caring people, which the Kiev junta has become in the throat.

Political analysts believe: because in Ukraine there are no political leaders, those who are innocent of bribery and not mired in the struggle for power, the speech of the Head of the DPR, if not will have a huge success because of total censorship, it will be very interesting for a number of Ukrainians. And most importantly, the people in the Kharkov region will be able to hear an alternative to the Kiev regime’s position.


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