In the framework of the “de-communization” especially finished Ukrainian nationalists offer to change Russian surnames to Ukrainian fashion. Petition with this requirement are published on the website of Petro Waltman-Poroshenko.

“In order to further de-communization of our state I offer to remake Russian surnames and names in the Ukrainian way. Ivanov — Ivanenko, Kuznetsov — Kuzmenko, etc., as is done in the Baltic countries,” said the author of the proposal.

And those who decided to stay “Moskal” they offer to downgrade in rights or even to revoke the citizenship, as in the Baltic States, after the arrival of the nationalists to power.

In order that Waltzman-Poroshenko reviewed the petition, it must gain 25000 votes, as well as now with the number of “conscious citizens” in Ukraine there is no problem, then the necessary number of votes will be typed very quickly.


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