To the ground… And then?


The day will come when the building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will be turned into a Museum. And above the entrance is well carved in stone saying by Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky: “History teaches nothing, only punishes ignorance of the lessons.” He is also credited for the phrase “History only teaches us that it teaches nothing”. It is also a good illustration. Well, in fact, would be people go to Maidan if they didn’t have the illusion that it is they, it is here and now for the first time doing unprecedented things? Would Yarosh, for example, take responsibility for all the excesses of the “Right sector” if he treated seriously the phrase “the Revolution devours its children”?

Souvenir prison

The author of the aphorism about bloodthirsty revolution, the Jacobin Georges Jacques Danton spoke it directly on the way to the guillotine. Also it is instructive fact and it just left without attention, though in all textbooks and reference books they were written about it. But, apparently, this time is so; it is not fashionable to read. Remembering the faces of my students while exploring themes of revolution which is called “the French” I can state that it left them disinterested. Comrades in stockings and wigs seemed to them useless past. Meanwhile, the experience of “friends” has since repeated many times, about this all it is interesting: what future can see at least Yatsenyuk? After all, the obvious parallel between the current Ukrainian “freedom fighters” and the French Girondins, overthrew the king, is noticeable and thereafter they were destroyed in an inter-party struggle. In general, “the French revolution” is perhaps the best visual aid for the simulation of all social conflicts that have arisen in modern and contemporary times. Differs may be only in the timing, specific details associated with the specificity of time and place of the event. But general dynamics is always the same. Let’s see: the reason for the outbreak of unrest in France was the economic crisis. Or rather not even a crisis and claims on the part of the French elite to the king. Now these things would be called “corruption”. And, of course, they would come out to the Maidan. By the way the French did so. One of the main symbols of the “great revolution” is the storming of the Bastille the place of confinement of state prisoners. It is so that this construction had a direct connection with the “bloody regime”, it was its symbol. The same awe activists last year’s “Maidan” should probably raise events associated with the “storm” of the President’s administration (remember the footage with the tractor going to “Berkut”?). Now, in the heat of the assault, few people noticed that the prisoners of the then “bloody regime” were less than ten. Two of them were mad, four sat for fake bills. There was still a “prisoner of conscience”, who was arrested for sexual crimes. But during the storm people were killed far more; different sources give from 30 to 100 people dead. The head of the commandant of the Bastille impaled on a spike and wore it all over Paris to mark the overthrow of the “despotic regime”. We conclude that the symbolism, an element of theatricality in any revolution is the paramount thing and an extremely important one. You cannot be without it. However, such pathos always quickly disappears. But the hangover remains for a long time. Jail which is symbolizing tyranny, it was decided to dismantle. There was even a fashion: from the bricks of the Bastille made small models of the fortress and sold as Souvenirs. As if they subconsciously stress that all of this is not fully present only the game. Games are different: for example, ISIS arranges performances by beheadings or burning “infidels”. It is also the creation of the symbol. You could even say direction.

How the flywheel does

In principle, a mechanism called “revolution” is always running about the same. First of all, you create the soil, putting certain thoughts, concepts, proceeding from which, at first, “theoretically”, it turns out that you can do more than what was allowed before. . And — voila: an absolute monarchy turns into a constitutional, and a little later the former king already can be decapitate by you. In France, this work was carried out by enlightenment figures. Voltaire and Montesquieu wrote works about “enlightened monarchy”, this, existing, not criticizing, but if it had been “enlightened”… Diderot creates an encyclopedia, which states that lightning is simply an electrical discharge, and not the wrath of God. It means that the God is in question. And hence the power of the monarch is not from the Lord. And Diderot wrote fiction at leisure. For example, about the nun in the monastery which was not on her own there and contains in fact as in prison? Rousseau was right without any equivocation offered new “untested” ideas. So, the concept of the social contract in fact still lies at the basis of Western society. What it was possible to “negotiate” we can see with our own eyes. In France itself the conservative part of society just cries out from the “universal values”. But their roots back to that era, in which in place of the Bastille wrote “dance here”. However, the same enlightenment figures remain classics, indisputable authority still.

The modern Ukrainian nationalism also has its own soil, and it was created so long since the nineteenth century. And in the end it turned out that in Odessa they burned not the Russian people, “females of Colorado”, in Donbas there live alone bandits, and contrary to this: “we are not cattle”. It explains and justifies everything. But how long for? How many representatives of the French elite, inspired by the “educators” regretted their historic selection as a result?

Now, after creating “fertile ground” the occasion is modeled. In recent times they are boring and monotonous, usually based on the economy, rather than on who and what received less from “mode”. The French king also brought together the elite in order to discuss the tax increase. Was it right? It’s hardly. But the result of the protest exceeded all expectations. Similarly modern Ukrainians probably have not once regretted exile “bloody Yanukovych”. But everything is already irreversible. And then the real fun begins: the visible part of the revolution. And it also has two established process that go after each other. This mechanism is almost never crashes. Firstly in order not to shock the “masses”, the power overthrew the moderate opposition. We have seen different options: from completely secular liberals of 1917 to the Muslim opposition in Egypt. Then it is replaced by the more radical party. And it will fulfill all laid in the revolution tasks. So in France the Jacobins overthrew the Girondins and put them under the knife of the guillotine. And if “moderate” Girondins changed only system of weights and measures, the Jacobins had started in on the calendar. And in addition they put on the verge of a ban the Catholic Church and introduced the “Cult of reason”. And of course, they began to destroy each other. Almost without exception, all “children” of the revolution were eaten by their mother. Probably Francisco Goya felt these currents, he who lived in the “revolutionary” period. He felt it and reflected in the form of a creepy painting “Saturn devouring his son”.

And finally the natural ending will be: any revolution always ends in “Thermidor” is the elimination of tiresome radicals. Usually they repeat the same path on which they sent their opponents, I mean to physically destroy. After eating their fill of the revolution, the French applauded Napoleon and his Empire. Running away from Russia Trotsky (he was as Robespierre) rebuked Stalin in “Thermidor”. And it’s fair and thank God that Stalin was in his place. The Egyptians with a sigh of relief escaped from the “Muslim brotherhood”. And only
Ukrainians still think that the patterns of development of the revolutionary genre will not affect them. Although the process has obviously gone.
What will the future bring?

In modern Ukrainian scheme, everything is pretty clear: “moderate” part of the junta would be eliminated. What would be the reason for this, as will be the force that it will make and in what time frame it will happen: until it is the question. But the algorithm can be confident on 99%.

“It seemed that our country, the Soviet Union, fell once and for all. It was a terrible blow; it was depression; such a large number of spiritual losses suffered by our people. But there was unpredictable thing. What the enemy did not expect – the Russian state began to revive.”
© Speech of Alexander

Another important point: when the time is right to return to the model of a strong government, as always, it will be that in Ukraine such ones there are not. And once again it will fall into the hands of Russia exhausted from ‘independence’. It will be with all their troubles and their newly gained problems, with war, it is likely. Maybe it will fall not in one piece, but in parts, but it has happened.

This material is deliberately not a single line about the Freemasons, conspiracies and other things behind the scenes. Not because the author is not familiar with conspiracy calculations, on the contrary. Just since we’re talking about the patterns, here’s one for starters: through all the intrigues and conspiracies (like a betrayal of 1991, at least) Russia has always held a stronger and appeared on the international scene updated, a worthy country. So it will be this time. Here is not France for you. All of it will be Russia.

