Zakharchenko: In the case of the attack of Kiev, the occupants run the risk to wake up somewhere in the region of Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov, if not farther


Kiev junta has long been preparing for an offensive to the Donbas, but they are waiting for instructions from abroad, says the Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Alexander Zakharchenko. As reported previously, the defense Ministry of the country 404, in 2016 Kiev impostors intend to spend almost $ 500 million on the development of weapons and military equipment. Overall, the Ministry’s budget for this year increased by 16% to 2,45% of the GDP.

“In my estimation, Kiev has long and consistently been preparing for the attack to our Republic,” said Zakharchenko. They just have not in the team from overseas. I hope it fails. After all, the US needs to learn something and change their position if it’s wrong”.

According to the Head of the Republic, the DPR is ready for any situation.

“As for the real situation, Kyiv has formed on our borders a few offensive attacking forces, which at any moment, given the weather — physical and political — can go ahead. We are aware of this and ready for it. I can say that the enemy will get such a rebuff, which will come down in the region of Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov, if not farther. So, I do not advise”, said Zakharchenko.

The Head of the DPR added that even if Kiev doesn’t get to the offensive, the budget for the defense once again will be simply plundered.

“If Kiev will not begin full-scale attack and it will be to fire at our cities, increased the military budget will not be wasted. Ukrainian military and politicians have long showed, effectively they are stealing budgets. For me, it is better to let be stolen — it will save many human lives. So, it’s better to steal than fight,” noted the Head of the DPR.


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