Ambassador of Ukraine had disgraced the dying country at Buckingham Palace


The Ambassador of Ukraine Natalia Galibarenko in the UK has produced “success” in the Royal Palace, where she was invited to the ceremony of presenting credentials.

The representative of dying Ukraine surprised everyone with clown outfit and bad manners.

According to British media, the Queen Elizabeth was very indignant at the appearance and behavior of the Ukrainian diplomatic representative. But in the press Galibarenko received the dubious nickname “the Ukrainian Malvina”.

For an official visit to Buckingham Palace, Cariblanco chose a blue dress of shade “wrest an eye” and her hair was laid in a very indecent beam on her forehead. This entire “splendor” was crowned by a hat-flower. The Ambassador of Ukraine, confident in her own irresistible, strongly attracted the attention and talking loudly, thus completely disregarding the etiquette.

In addition, Cariblanco allowed herself to complain on the authorities of Ukraine! It was publicly, by the way.

Presentation of letters of credence — is a gala event. Such events have a strict dress code: clothes in the traditional style. Usually ladies are in hats, gentlemen — in tuxedo.


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