DEJAVU: Yushchenko is aiming for the post of head of the NBU


Electronic petition asking again to appoint Viktor Yushchenko as the head of the National Bank of the now — former Ukraine appeared on the website of Waltman.

The petition was registered on the 19th of February. A press-Secretary of Yushchenko Irina Vannikova has supported this initiative by posting on her Facebook page the appropriate link.

“Victor Yushchenko from 1993 to 1999 was the Head of the Ukrainian national Bank. Under his leadership, Ukraine has successfully carried out monetary reform, the State Treasury is created and the construction of banknote-mint was launched. In 1997, Yushchenko got in the six of the best bankers in the world by the influential financial magazine Global Finance. Given his experience and knowledge, he is able to improve Ukraine’s economy and strengthen the national currency,” stated in the text of the petition.


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