Biden’s son buys gas assets of the country 404


Entrepreneur Hunter Biden acquires equity securities of companies in the country, which his father, Vice-President of the USA Joe Biden, called the most corrupt in the world. An American businessman is increasing his assets in the energy sector of Ukraine through a third party.

According to available information, the Canadian firm Serinus Energy sells for $30 million for 70 percent stake in KUB-Gas Holdings Limited company Resano Trading Ltd, an affiliate with one of the largest Ukrainian gas companies Burisma Holdings. We will remind, in April 2014, Hunter Biden joined the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings.

It is noteworthy that then the British side has frozen the Bank assets worth $23 million, allegedly belonging to the ex-Minister of ecology Nykolay Zlochevsky. Moreover, the cancellation of this judicial decision caused outrage from the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Payette.

“Leave this matter to the National anti-corruption Bureau was my decision, because when I meet with our international partners, they often ask questions about the legality of the withdrawal of the arrest in London of accounts Zlochevsky and how it was possible to avoid it, if the case was investigated properly,” said the head of the National anti-corruption Bureau Artem Sytnik.

It should be noted that during the speech in Parliament Vice-President of the USA Joe Biden said that it was impossible to find a second country, the country where “cancer of corruption” is booming at the same pace as in Ukraine.

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