French social psychologist and sociologist Gustave Le Bon (Gustave Le Bon) wrote his book “Psychology of the masses” in the beginning of the twentieth century, a hundred years ago. But it not only has not lost its relevance, but on the contrary became a kind of starting point for the authors of all known for today technologies of manipulation of public opinion. The authors of the theory of “colored” coups undoubtedly not only were reading of Lebon, but also “creatively reworked”.

This book should be read by everyone.

But we will start the study with several quotes. They clearly show us that the techniques of managing crowds and the whole people as manipulators of Western intelligence agencies invented not by themselves…

Quote 1. “The crowd has never sought for truth; it turns away from the evidence, not pleasing it, and prefers to worship the delusion, if delusion it entices it. Who can enter the crowd astray easily becomes its ruler, who seeks to educate it – he always is a victim of it”.

Kiev. 2013-2014. Maidan. Promises visa-free entry to Europe, a sharp rise of living standards, the elimination of corruption. People want to believe it. Nothing is done – on the contrary, start a civil war and Ukraine’s economy will start moving into the abyss. But people are willing to believe what they like.

Quote 2. “The approval then only has an effect when it is repeated frequently and, if possible, in the same expressions. Think Napoleon said that there was only one noteworthy figure of rhetoric is repetition. Through repetition the idea is instilling in the minds to such an extent firmly that in the end it is accepted as a proven truth.”

And now let us remember a fragment of Russian history. The 2011-2012 year. “The greatest thinker of our time Naval’ny runs “invented” by him the meme “party of crooks and thieves” (PCT). And all this is beginning to repeat: by all the liberals, all Internet resources. Repeat hundreds and thousands of times. All is as Lebone. Nothing is new. Repeat in six months “truth” seems to be proven.

Quote 3. “Constantly reading in the same newspaper, A – is the perfect villain, and B is a very honest person, we eventually become convinced of this, of course, unless you read yet another newspaper, to express quite the opposite opinion. Only the approval and repetition are able to compete with each other, as they have in this case is the same force”.

In the West there is almost no alternative media. In Ukraine first, what did the “revolutionaries” came to power – off the Russian channels. Why? It is an opposing view. Now it is almost there in the West and not at all in Ukraine. Hence there is the belief of the citizens of Ukraine, residents of Donbas fire by themselves.

Quote 4. “The only important changes which dictate the updating of civilizations, committed to the ideas, concepts and beliefs. Major historical events are only visible effects of the invisible changes in people’s minds”.

The one, who generates change in the mind he drives of social processes. And now Ukrainian citizens are told that “then you cannot live so!” Bring to the streets. The results are obvious. But when life has become many times worse – financially and emotionally, no new Maidan does not. Because you first have to change the thoughts and thoughts are controlled by those, who control the media.

Quote 5. “History shows us that once that moral force was based on the civilization lose their power, the case of the final destruction of the unconscious and ends with a rough crowd, justly called barbarians. Civilizations were created and guarded by a small handful of intellectual aristocracy, never by the crowd. Power of the crowd is directed only to destruction. The dominion crowd always points to the phase of barbarism.”

When you see “folk lustration” in Ukraine, or “activists”, blocking the building or institution, remember this quote of a wise Frenchman.

Quote 6. “Control the crowd is not with arguments, but only with the help of samples. In every age there is a small number of individuals, inspires the crowd with its actions, and unconscious mass imitates them.”

In the early twentieth century had not been invented pop and rock music, there was no mass cinema and television, and the principle has already been invented. Need a sample! And why were on Maidan singer Ruslana and other cultural figures?

Quote 7. “Believe in the predominance of the revolutionary instincts of the crowd means that you do not know its psychology. Here introduces us astray only the swiftness of these instincts. Explosions of resentment and desire for resolution are always ephemeral in the crowd. The crowd too is controlled by the unconscious and therefore too subject to the influence of secular heredity, not to be actually extremely conservative. Provided to it, the crowd soon tired of its own unrest, and instinctively tends to slavery.”

This quote explains why after the revolution the regime becomes more tyrannical, and freedom becomes much less.

Quote 8. “The crowd is able to think only by images that are only susceptible to the images. Only images can inspire it to develop in it the horror and become the engines of its actions”.
Images of the crowd and are given. The image of the “beaten students” on the Maidan was one of the catalysts for the growing unrest. The image of the “terrible corruption” stealing money has become common place to create the right mood in the destruction of many states.

Be sure to color in each scenario are given and visualized the image of the “protest”. They are white ribbon, orange color, clenched into a fist. They are given at the time, and preparing ahead of time. For example, “the white ribbon”, a symbol of the never happened “snow revolution” of 2011-2012 was brought by the late Boris Nemtsov from another trip to Washington.

Quote 9. “The power of words is closely related to the resulting images and is totally independent of their real sense. Very often the words with the indefinite sense have the biggest impact on the crowd. These are, for example, the terms “democracy”, “socialism”, “equality”, “freedom”, etc., to such an extent uncertain, even in thick volumes cannot accurately explain”.

Do we need to explain why Western-funded of “revolutionaries” always are fighting “for freedom”, “against corruption” and never for a wage increase for specific %.
And all this has been described even before the First World War…

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