Poroshenko relatives live in the Crimea and have voted in the referendum for joining to Russia


Living in the Crimea relatives of the mother of the sister-in-law of the Ukrainian dictator Petro Poroshenko have voted in the referendum for the accession of the Peninsula to the Russian Federation. Uncle and aunt of Elena Alixanova — Lydia Grigorievna and Victor Pavlovych Kotelnikovs said that the referendum was their holiday, and the return to Russia — was the people’s choice.
“We are now Russia, and we are very happy. We have had a referendum, the people all came out, people wanted it and people were waiting for this. And we went there as to a holiday. It is the sincere desire of all of Sevastopol. We were always Russia, we never were Ukraine,” said Lydia Grigorievna.

According to them, they regularly communicate via Skype with relatives from St. Petersburg, however, the marriage of their great-niece they simply try not to discuss.


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