The head of the DPR about the shamelessness of Ukrainian politics


The Donbass leader Alexander Zakharchenko commented on attempts to use his name in the election campaign in Ukraine.

— I’m amazed at the shamelessness and cynicism of Ukrainian politicians! Not for the first time the Ukrainian mass-media declare that I support this or that local politician in his fight for votes. In this reference the groups in social networks which are nothing to have with me.

So I, firstly, want to say that without exception, all political parties in Ukraine I think part of that regime, which was installed in a coup. And it is precisely this regime, which unleashed a civil war in the Ukraine and made genocide in the Donbass. I personally and my colleagues not to support those who are directly or indirectly calling by their silence supported the punitive operation of Kiev against our native Donbass. And that is so that Ukrainian politicians have lost all shame and conscience. They unleashed a civil war, which killed thousands of citizens of the country. And now this war is used in dirty political games. Now, I don’t know, how will the use of my name in the election campaign, especially in such cities as Nikolaev, Kherson, Kharkov or Odessa – in minus or in plus. But one thing I can tell the Ukrainian politicians: get your dirty and bloody hands off the Donbass and the people who defended it from your punishers!
And to the inhabitants of Nikolaev I can address only one appeal: voice as the conscience tells you. Do not sell your votes for 30 pieces of silver. You remember in the Gospel who got this money? Remember that if you are promised material goods, but suppress your national and cultural identity, select your language, culture and faith, then, having gained power, these vultures will be taken away and the 30 pieces of silver that bought your votes. Your fate should decide yourselves. We are in the Donbass know this well, and have already proved it to the whole world.
