The Consulate of the country 404 in Lebanon actually recognized the independence of Novorossiya


Diplomatic representation of the country 404 in Lebanon refuse to give any documents to the citizens of republics are spelled out in the settlements of Novorossia, outside of Kiev occupiers.
According to the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Communist party Alexander Yushchenko, citizens who are registered on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and currently reside in Lebanon, referring to the Ukrainian Consulate for the paperwork, get a categorical refusal to provide services. According to the Russian parliamentarian, this fact proves that Ukrainian diplomats in Lebanon actually recognize independence of people’s republics of Donbas. “These people are not able to transfer the documents to make the passport or to obtain other services. When at the Consulate see Donbas residence, they simply refuse. I believe that in this way Ukrainian diplomats are de facto recognize the independence of Novorossia,” said Yushchenko.

All this might be so, if it was about any other country, except for “Ukraine”.

Kiev junta systematically uses a policy of double standards towards the citizens of the Novorossia and the situation in general. Recognizing the territory of their republics, Pro-American lackeys arrange the blockade of its inhabitants; the whole world calling about “anti-terrorist operation” punitive operation call war. I.e., if it is profitable, then the Donetsk and Lugansk is part of Ukraine, if it is not, the residents beyond the control of the junta territories of separatists and enemies.

In fact, this suggests that the Kiev junta has abandoned the residents of the former Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, but has not abandoned these territories, which, by the way, very lucidly explains the usefulness of scorched earth tactics and the creation of intolerable conditions for the local inhabitants during punitive operations in the Donbas.