In the DPR called the true cause of the crash of AFU’s helicopter near Kramatorsk

Military helicopter Mi-2 with Ukrainian fighters on board crashed near Kramatorsk in the result of planned sabotage.

This was announced by the Deputy Commander of the operational command Colonel of the DPR Eduard Basurin.

According to him, the Ukrainian version of the investigating authorities on the collision of a helicopter with power lines is untenable. The accident was staged at the direction of local management of the AFU for hiding mass theft of ammunition in military warehouses.

“The true cause of the helicopter crash was the explosion to eliminate the members of the Commission, the Ministry of defense of Ukraine, which had evidences of theft on the audit of the warehouses of weapons in military units of the AFU,” said Eduard Basurin.

Recall, five people were killed in the crash of a military helicopter near Kramatorsk.


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