Reptiles were bitten by snakes: In Slavyansk poisonous snakes attacked the invaders


In the hero-city of Slavyansk, temporarily occupied by the Kiev’s Nazis, even the fauna is struggling with fascism. Thus, recently the punishers from military unit No. 3035 have been bitten by the snakes. In local hospital there is no cure.

“Volunteers” of the organization “Tornado” told about the incident. According to accomplice of nationalists, Ukrainian punishers were standing on one of the posts where a few poisonous snakes crawled. Now three of “heroic liberators” are in the hospital, however, doctors only make a helpless gesture – the required vaccines no.

According to doctors, they need to find the antidote within 2-3 days – otherwise there will be some irreversible reactions from the bites. Serum is looked at the whole of the former Ukraine, but so far to no avail. “Concerned citizens” are connected to the search: Ukrainian doctors are powerless; the reforms dictated by transatlantic leadership have done everything to paralyze the country’s medicine.

The report also notes that the same situation was last year, but what ended last year’s history is not specified.


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