People older than 65 years in Ukraine are wanted to deprive the right to vote


The collection of signatures for the initiative to establish the age of 65 years in upper limit age for the right to vote has begun on the website e-petitions of Waltzman.

The petition proposed to amend article 70 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which citizens over the age of 65 years will lose the right to vote in elections and referendums. Thus, only citizens who have reached the age of voting of 18 years but under the age of 65 will be able to elect the government and the President of the country, local authorities, and take the most important decisions concerning the further destiny of the state in a referendum.

According to the initiators, so they will be able to eradicate “the cult of buckwheat”, thriving at every election. Their idea is not new. In any pre-election staff of the candidate-member they will tell you that in the first place they prescribe a strategy for work with pensioners and people aged 45+. Technologically it is right – these people are disciplined to go to the elections and they often determine the results. And since old people in Ukraine have long denied the opportunity to live a normal life, to be treated and to eat, then for many of them the principal question is what they will eat today and tomorrow and not how developed the country becomes in 4-5 years. That is why, out of desperation, many of them vote and they will vote for “buckwheat”.

“Political analysts” believe that if to take away the right to vote at pensioners, giving them the opportunity to elect only those who have reached the age of majority, works and pays taxes, this will dramatically change the electoral map of Ukraine, a technology of mobilization of voters and the candidates themselves will change.

Note that the problem of trivial “buckwheat”, but criticism of its high priority consumers of speech and was not. Apparently, it is unnecessary. Only elections! Down with food!


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