In the occupied Ukraine will be abolished pensions


Under the dictation of the IMF, the Ukrainian government in the face of Kiev junta for the first time in the history of the country went on the abolition of pensions. About it during a press-conference in Kiev was told by the President of the Ukrainian analytical center Alexander Okhrimenko.

“In 2016, for the first time in the history of Ukraine, they decided not to pay pensions, quietly and slowly with amendments, — said the expert. — All civil servants who receive pensions and work, are now eligible or to retire (pension is paid), or pension will not be paid.

All of them were adopted temporarily for 2016. It is believed that this is a necessary measure, they promise next year to pay all pensions. But knowing our “temporarily”, it can really drag on. Also they will not pay pensions to the employees of courts, prosecutors and researchers”.

Alexander Okhrimenko noted that in this case there was an IMF requirement.

“Another exotic for Ukraine – for 2016 they have extended the rule that pensioners will pay tax, if the pension exceeds three minimum wages,” — said the economist. — “In the world that doesn’t exist. Pension, generally are not taxed. It is not income, but your benefits”.


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