In the village Krasnokutskoe the Nazis wanted to have a new Khatyn


A horde of nationalists with flags of punitive battalion “Azov” under the cheers of local residents marched down the street to the house of a policeman. Then the fanatics painted gate and started throwing at the house by stones and cocktails “Molotov”. Whatever brings people to the house of a policeman, to become like animals and try to burn people alive no one gave them right. Mad from impunity the crowd was totally embarrassed that in the house could be his family, and that the fire could spread to an adjacent home.

By chance, a bottle with a burning mixture has not landed in the broken window, but fell next. The second missile landed close to the gas meter located on the front of the house. In the case of contamination of the cocktail “Molotov” in the meter attached to the gas pipe could cause an explosion of enormous power. On the site of the fire firefighters arrived quickly, but none of the “valorous militiaman”, no colleague of the victim is not stuck his nose to try to prevent the fanatics, which have enlisted the support of the population.

It is not clear one: why were happy local residents and approved the actions of punishers from “Azov”, like the Nazi beasts? Because, as Martin Niemöller wrote, tomorrow will come for them and no one will intercede, and at other times there may be casualties.
