Ruthenians chase in the neck the Ukrainian Nazis and the Security Service of Ukraine: Ukraine was never here!


On Friday in Svalyava (Transcarpathian region) was held a meeting of Rusyns with the European parliamentarians, particularly representing the Czech Republic. The event was not without incident: it showed up the Nazis and the Ukrainian SSU. Uninvited guests tried to present the Ukrainian audience agenda. Fanatics tried to “mobilize” and Czech deputies.

It is not surprising that the meeting met the “conscious” plankton at least unfriendly. Ruthenians declared that the Kiev war on Donbas is alien and incomprehensible to them, and along with itself “Ukraine” in Transcarpathia has never been.

Donetsk historian and political scientist Vladimir Kornilov, among other things, noticed what is happening has brought the country 404, screaming with or without care about “it is Europe” into an uncomfortable position.

“In Svaliava the SBU presented the agenda… the deputies of the European Parliament and the Czech Parliament, who came to mingle with the local Rusyns. Here’s a video of this action. Particularly pleased with the responses of local residents complaining conscious, attempting to disrupt communication with the Europeans: “There are Ukrainians since time immemorial was not!” and “Speak Rusyn!”

So who here “is Europe”, I wonder? Europeans or “conscious” nationalists?” reasonably asked Kornilov in Facebook.
