The West is tired of the clowns from Kiev. The theme of Ukraine in the UN departs on the second plan


The theme of Ukraine in the UN has been neglected, as Western partners understand that the Kiev junta is unable to perform the points of the Minsk agreement.

This was stated by the Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin.

The radio station “Kommersant-FM” and the newspaper “Kommersant” asked Churkin two questions: has the world changed in relation to the Ukrainian problem in the last year, and if it moved into the background compared to Syria?

“I think so, from the point of view of the UN and how it is perceived in the UN,” he said.

Churkin also noted that in recent time members of the UN have ceased to convene meetings of the Security Council on Ukraine, as they did in 2014. He further added that our Western partners understand that Kiev does not fulfill the Minsk agreements. But they will not be criticized Ukraine for it. And if they collect the Security Council and begin to discuss the issue of Ukraine – it means to put them before the need to respond to the arguments of Russia on the implementation of the Complex measures agreed on the 12th of February last year.

“And they don’t want it — they just say they support Ukraine, and Russia may contribute to the compliance with the Minsk agreements,” he concluded.


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