The film “The Masks of the revolution” has made the French bombshell


Kiev junta itself advertised the film, providing increased interest in the tape by its hysterical demands to abolish the ether. It was not just the appeals in social networks or applications of conscious leaders – to prohibit the showing they required at the level of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. It is the revelation and shock. Nobody expected to see such in broadcast by French television. It is 56 minutes of documentary about the events on Maidan and in Odessa — the collapse of European perceptions of the viewer.

Paul Moreira is a reporter known for his outspoken, daring and sometimes hard work. His previous investigations are from the zones of conflict and hostilities: Iraq — “Agony of a nation”, Afghanistan “Following the dollar”. And now it’s Ukraine.

“Revolution in the Ukraine I saw on TV like everyone else. It was in white and black. I decided to come to Ukraine myself and to understand everything,” says Paul Moreira.

“The Masks of revolution” — so the film is called — the author breaks from all the participants here and those who were sent, representatives of the Kiev junta, and those who were at the forefront during the Maidan grinder with a weapon in the hands: the Nazis of the Right sector and fighters of “Azov”.

The tragedy of Odessa — the mutilated bodies of the civilians, old people who managed to survive and the grief of a mother who lost a child. For the first time in broadcast by French television words and definitions sounded without the quotes. They are not “fighters for Ukraine’s European choice”, but nationalists, not “armed units”, but the militants. Direct questions from journalists – were answered, terrifying their frankness.

“But these are rascals, who tried to force us to this nasty Russian world, for me they deserved to die, I do not regret one second. Unfortunately, most of those bastards ran away and not burned in the House of trade Unions,” said in the film the activist of the Odessa Euro-Maidan Mark Gordiyenko.

A journalist tries to find sources in his investigation. A separate unit of the film — is about American politicians who were caught in Ukraine. Vice President Joe Biden, Senator John McCain, state Department spokesman Victoria Nuland — they all visited Kiev in the midst of revolutionary upheaval. All is carefully and just the facts with which it is difficult to argue. Meeting politicians and businessmen in Yalta — here the former head of the CIA, General David Petraeus served in Iraq, today he called for supplying anti-tank weapons to Ukraine, or Lawrence Simers, ex-Secretary of the Treasury of the US.

And like movie blockbusters — game in the American army of punitive squad from “Azov”. Western instructors teach Ukrainian fanatics hand-to-hand techniques and marksmanship. The fighting spirit they raise in the new manner. It is difficult to say what part of the film seemed to Kyiv of the foreign Ministry outrageous and made a demand: to abolish the ether. On page of diplomatic mission in the social network a message was published: “This is misinformation. The film gives a distorted and erroneous picture of events in Ukraine”.

“There is a saying – “shoot you in your foot”. It’s very strange move by the Ukrainian Embassy. They raised the cry even before the movie aired. And gave it good advertising. Perhaps the audience would be less noticed in this film. Judge for yourself — pay channel, Monday, late hour. It’s a challenging environment for high ratings. But this sensation they have ensured the movie’s success,” says research Director at the Institute of democracy and cooperation John Leklend.

Despite the late hour, the audience at the screens was enough. This can be seen on social networks. And late at night, amazed by what they saw, making comments.

“Now we know that our country supports fascist militants, controlled from the USA,” said one of the spectators.

“France two years later came face to face with Euro Maidan, but it is already too late,” said another.

“Incredibly, the U.S. support of the head of the Freedom party is like the CIA support of the Pinochet regime,” says the Senator from the district of Paris Yves Pozzo di Borgo.

The journalist is responsible only in the “Twitter” and briefly – “Thanks for the support.” From the comments to the camera, he refuses: it’s a security measure, says the editorial. On the eve in the social network through the Internet, the author of the film has received threats.

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