Waltzman reshapes maps and pulls troops to the eastern borders


Waltzman intend to defend Ukraine by the new military-administrative division of the country. The oligarch said about it in his speech at the meeting of the Council of national security and defense of the country 404, noting that the focus will be on strengthening the defensive line on the Eastern border.

“Until now, this zoning was built on the fact that the lion’s part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military forces concentrated on our western border, where all conditions were created for the location of troops,” explained Waltzman.

According to him, the initiative will increase mobilization training, as well as optimize the system of territorial defense. In addition, at the Council meeting the oligarch expects to discuss measures to strengthen cyber security of the country.

Previously Peter Waltzman stated that the Ukrainians are supposedly necessary to prepare for long confrontation with the Russian Federation, as the Head of the Kyiv junta considers it his “main threat”.

All of this is good, only why it was necessary to carry out 7 (seven!) waves of mobilization, if, according to Waltzman, in the bins on the Western cordon, not bordering on “aggressor” “the lion’s share of divisions of VFU” are focused. It’s not docking, Petro Alekseevich.


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